However, it mustn’t be sugar coated. There is certainly sometimes the need when you start to be prepared to stay that bit later than most, to stick with the guys in studio who are doing the run outs over night which are to be presented tomorrow, to work on sourcing images for research projects, so that in the morning you can hand them to your planner instead of struggle through the day. What this really boils down to is distraction and not necessarily the extent of work that you are loaded up with. For example I have quite a large project going on which involves the whole account team and senior clients, if I were spared a clear day I could storm it, but other requests keep coming in – a European office needing UK market analysis, the research side of my client requiring competitive positioning analysis, the other account I work on needing me in a brain storm (not being able to make it so having to write up some thoughts). The point being that the only time I can get some space to sit down and focus on one task is when the clock strikes a time that everyone is out of the office and it’s just me and a non ringing phone.
So, whilst time management is essential sometimes you won’t be able to escape the inevitable which is to put in some dark hours to get through your work load. It’s not that bad, there is a sense of achievement leaving late knowing you got everything done lined up for the next day rather than leave feeling that little bit shit about your day and lack of completion. Some say that it’s bad to be seen working late….I’m sure none of you would be there if you didn’t have to be so those wise words can fck right off, do what you have to and don’t be too alarmed that some say advertising is a slave trade. It’s just a hard working trade for hard working people, the upside is that the people in advertising generally like to let their hair down more than most... and I’d rather work late and enjoy their company than say work late and hang out with those in the finance world…..urgh.
Anton xx
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