Wednesday, 12 September 2007

And So It Begins..

Ok guys as the saying goes in parts across the pond, we're officially in the ballpark. JWT and BBH have opened up their grad schemes for '08 entry. The links are below, any questions/things you're stuck on should be carefully placed in the comments - hopefully we can get some discussion going. 
Good Luck!

Edit: M&C's grad scheme is open, links below:


Jack Bauer said...

Are we, the Adgrads going to be dissecting the questions? (a la Anton stylee..?)

Anonymous said...

MC saatchi is also up and running

Will said...

JB - We can do..depends if people think it'd be helpful.

Anon - thanks very much.

Anonymous said...

I can do this nay bother, will have it done over the weekend
