Something to get your attention.
Hi all.
We're rapidly entering into grad recruitment season, and the good folks at McCann London have begun recruiting for their new graduate intake. It closes on the 1st of August and you can apply here, on the Facebook page. The twitter account has been set up for any questions you may have.
Below is the official blurb.
"You’re about to graduate and want to get a job in advertising? Great. But you’ll only get on in advertising, if advertising is where you want to get on. Not banking. Not law. Not accountancy. Not hedging your bets by applying for all of them. It’s an old cliché, but advertising is all about selling the dream. But not always living it.
If you think it’s all parties, shoots and long client lunches you’re in for a rude awakening. You’ll be found out faster than you can say 'Lipsmackingtimewastinguselesspieceofbadreputationmakinggoandgetajobinbanking'.
You still in? Good.
How are you on honesty? Well, just like people don’t fall for ads that over-promise, Grads shouldn’t fall for agencies that over-promise. So we don’t. We just want you to be yourself when you apply. No-one’s expecting you to be Don Draper or Roger Sterling. Not on day one anyway. But if you don’t know who comes from Meerkovo, we could be in trouble.
And one more thing. Don’t try and be too clever. Because you know what comes after clever?Dick. Know what you’re letting yourself in for? Well it’s not going to be so much Mad Men as Tea Boys. And Girls. You’ll be expected to photocopy. Fetch. Carry. Buy the train tickets. Do the dirty work. But that’s where everybody starts. All today’s big names were once very small fry. More than anything, you’ll be expected to listen and learn. And that could take you anywhere.
It’s not just about TV ads, you know. You could be a producer, creative technologist, programmer, researcher, account manager. Or even a job we haven’t created yet.
If you’ve got talent, we’ll spot it. We know that good ideas can come from anywhere. And pretty soon you’ll learn it’s a fantastic job to have. How often do you hear your mates talking about spreadsheets and base rates down the pub? You don’t. But, you do hear them talking about ads.
If you’re lucky, your ads. Because what you do is seen by millions everyday. In the break on Coronation Street. In the pages of The Sun. Posted up on YouTube, spread via Facebook and on the poster site near where your nan lives. Sent round as a ‘have you seen this?’ email.
You’ll be able to say ‘I did that’. And sure, for every Drumming Gorilla there’s a thousand Toilet Ducks. Just like for every graduate job there’ll be thousands of applicants.
But if it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth having.
Good luck, gang.