I doubt you'd be working with the US Women's soccer team...
Hello folks.
There's a new, exciting graduate job up, posed by the lovely Nick Emmel at Dare. Below's the job spec:
"Do you ever look at the likes of Zuckerberg and Larry Page and think that you could have done the same if you were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time? Do you get angsty when you see all these exciting little start-ups selling themselves for enormous sums and wonder why you never got a slice of the action? Do you pine to be there at the formation of something great? To get the chance to mould it with your own fair hands?
These opportunities rarely pop up. And when they do, it takes a clever (or lucky) soul to spot them. Sometimes you just need someone to point them out to you.
We need a graduate to join our new little venture. It's a rather exciting, nimble little beast. Doing all those digital agency things, but doing them in the way that everyone agrees they *should* be done.
No process, no politics, no timesheets.
Just clever, quick, creative thinking by a few lovely people. Making proper stuff, properly.
Below is the job spec:
- A graduate, with maybe a few agency work placements under their belt looking for their first permanent gig.
- You'll have an impressive academic record and a desire to keep on learning every day
- Someone, that despite being new to the game, is already thinking about being at the top
- A broad-minded soul, willing to get their hands dirty in every part of the agency world. Planning, account management, production, even creative.
- An articulate, chatty individual who doesn't get intimidated by senior types or men with beards
- Finally, you better be a lovely person. Being in a small team means that plonkers aren't tolerated.
You have a passport and no criminal record (unless it was for something cool).
Drop me an email at nick.emmel at thisisedc.com. It'll be fun, we can chat and stuff."
Sounds like a cool gig to me. Good luck, chaps.
i am really stuck and it would be great if you could give me some advise,
i really want to pursue a career in advertising (mainly the creative side) but not sure if i should go for the advertising degree, many people have said it is not considered as much of a degree as say history, i do take level history but i don't see myself doing it as a degree and what if i drop out. would an advertising agency prefer it if you had an advertising degree or is it more of a setback?
it would be great to hear your opinion
You've got an amazing blog! I'd like to follow you:-) More power to you!
Great Blog, hopefully you can post some of our work on your blog. Cheers
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