Not like this.
Hi all.
Two updates in a week - I'm trying to fulfil my New Year's resolution of updating AdGrads more frequently, y'see.
Anyway, my employer, Anomaly, is after a runner for our London office. You'd get to work with me..you..err, lucky things.
Details of the job are below, and ideally, you'd be available to start at the beginning of February. It is paid.
"We're after a runner for our London office, based in Clerkenwell. The runner's job is to keep the agency running smoothly, primarily assisting with office admin..
Examples of the sort of duties you'd be expected to perform include:
- Answering phones
- Dealing with post
- Booking and setting up meeting rooms with tea and coffee
- Running errands
- Keeping the place neat and tidy
- Booking out meeting rooms
- Ordering stationery, paper and other office supplies
- Booking a variety of things - travel, couriers, taxis, IT/AV equipment
- Helping organise office parties
Additionally, you're more than welcome to get involved with other agency work, but the duties above take priority.
Good luck, all.
Any sort of cashy incentive? Expenses? Lunch + travel?
Sorry, I should've included this. Yes, it is paid.
I am a fine art grad whose really keen to get into advertising (art direction). Having not formally studied the subject what would be the best way of getting in? To try for these kind of runner jobs or to go back into education? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Taa
Would like to discuss something I've been working on with you. It is something to do with students and shit..
mail me @ rotterdam@nikoherzeg.com so we can set up a SKYPE soon..
Hi Niko.
Email sent.
Amy - I'm not a creative, so can't speak with authority; I usually point people in the direction of the YCC (http://www.youngcreativecouncil.com).
I think, for anyone, getting in is the hardest bit. You could go to SCA2 (http://schoolcommunicationarts.com/) or Watford or Bucks - but, given your skills in the field, you'd be best suited to finding a more conventionally ad trained partner and seeing how you get on.
Draw up a book, with your thoughts (a lot of student books I've ever seen have lacked something of a strategy), keep an eye on the YCC, register with D&AD new blood..and that's just for starters.
The YCC will have more practical/useful advice, I'm sure. Hopefully that helps.
I say that your blog is awesome! Happy New Year!
Thank you, thats very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.
Dear Will,
is this opportunity still available? May I still apply?
Thank-you Will, that is all great advice. I know somebody who studied at Watford and highly recommends it. I went to see their student books the other day funnily enough...
Is just all the fees have gone up, arh! I think I will concentrate on a portfolio (or student book as you addy types call it!) and try to get some more experience (and money!) as a runner or something in production.
Thanks again!
Amy x
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